Pebble InfoCenter


not available

The Android Version will not be developed any futher!!! Please download the pebble market variant below! All users of the Android variant will get a new license key for the pebble market variant free of charge if they tell me their google play order number and the email/ name the new pebble market license was generated with.Just one Watchapp is still missing. News providers such as n-tv, Stern, BBC, New York Times, heise or Le Figaro haven't stepped forward to the pebble jet.
In the meantime InfoCenter provides the latest n-tv as well as Stern news from politics to sports, heise news coming from developer to mac and i news. For our english speaking friends the BBC and New York Times top news are available. For our French speaking friends a couple of Le Figaro feeds are available. Further RSS/ ATOM feeds can be configured.
The last stock values and detail informations are shown of the DAX, Tec Dax, Dow Jones. In addition individual stock portfolios can be configured in the the companion app. Beside EURO exchange rates are available.
A 8 day weather forecast for the current location and further - free selectable - cities is provided.
In an extra selection Google News feeds/ alerts based on individual search tokens can be configured.